Pre-Sale Questions

Irina Vochiță brand uses the finest organic ingredients, natural & non- toxic ingredients 100% of the time. We make our products from scratch using only alive, raw, organic, edible high-potency ingredients to heal and beautify your skin and body. We don’t use toxic chemicals, artificial fragrance or parabens into our products. Irina Vochiță has worked with many VIP and luxury restaurants and institutions, so a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience has gone into the making of this brand towards standing out from the crowd.

No, our beauty line doesn’t cause pimples because they are made only from natural oils. Only synthetic oils, derived from petroleum, (like mineral oil, baby oil, vaseline and petrolatum) are occlusive oils – meaning that they block the pores and cause pimples. For example, organic jojoba oil is most like skin’s natural oils (sebum) and helps to keep skin soft.

Because all of our products are formulated with organic oils, they are temperature-sensitive. For best results, keep all our products away from sunlight. If products soften, cooling in the refrigerator will restore them to their proper form. Please note that all our formulas have been tested to find the perfect balance of texture between the hot summers and the cold winters.

Due to the nature of the ingredients in our beauty products, they are also sensitive to extreme cold. If products harden, remove them to a location at room temperature. To quickly restore a hardened product, body heat from your fingertips will normally soften it enough to be immediately used. The products will not be negatively affected in any way from heat or cold.

Yes, we will continue to expand the product’s line. Please visit this site regularly for updates.

If the products has not been closed it is possible that over time they will sometimes get a little hard on the surface. You can soften it again with a simple circular motion of the fingers.

Payment, Shipping & Returns

The payment can be done via PayPal using your PayPal account, credit or debit card. Once we receive your order and payment, we do our best to process and ship the order immediately. Most orders are sent within three to five business days. If you need something ASAP please inform us and we will accommodate your needs as best as we can.  If, for some reason, your product arrives broken or damaged keep all original packing materials, be prepared to send it back for evaluation. Contact us immediately via email with the order number.

We ship orders most often during working hours, M-F 8am-4pm PST. Orders are generally shipped via Priority Mail with delivery confirmation. Larger orders are insured. A tracking number will be provided to you via PayPal. If you don’t receive the tracking number, please contact us and we will provide you the tracking number. If your order does not arrive please go to your local post office right away with the delivery confirmation number. The sooner you go and talk to a live person the sooner they can trace what transpired with your package. We do not assume responsibility for packages unless they are shipped with insurance. If you would like insurance added please contact us before checking out.

If your order arrives and the package has been damaged or opened please speak with your carrier or go to your local post office right away. The sooner you speak with a live person the sooner they can tell you what happened, or how to proceed. If the situation is not resolved quickly, please contact us and send everything back so we can evaluate the situation.

You may return most new, unopened products sold and fulfilled by irinavochita.com, within 15 days of shipping date for a full refund.
Unfortunately and without exception, we cannot accept returns on used or opened items. We will not refund items or products that have been used or damaged by any outside parties of irinavochita.com.

If you received a faulty item and need to exchange it for the same item, please contact us at contact@irinavochita.com in order to request a replacement. *Please note that it takes us 3 to 5 business days to process returns once we have been notified by email.  You can obtain the status of your return by contacting us by email: contact@irinavochita.com.


Additional Policies and FAQs

Customized products can be manufactured on demand. Because we know that all the people are different and a generic product is impersonal we are offering you personalized products manufactured on demand according to your own need. For customized orders you can contact us by email at contact@irinavochita.com.

If you are a business owner and would like to carry our products, please contact us by e-mail. Due to the NATURE of our products we do not do consignment.

We use recyclable glass packaging to preserve vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients. All our packaging is biodegradable and BPA free. Our ingredients are bought only from organic, fair trade, or small-farm sources in order to sustain a healthy community and a healthy planet. Please note that due to the organic nature of our products there may be a fluctuation in color and texture.